💡Problems & Solutions


In today's token landscape, there is an increasing narrative of 'supply control' by the team. Controlling the supply enables the team to influence the token's price action and chart performance. Additionally, through tokenomic activities such as burns, the team can generate hype and excitement.

Here the problem arises. If the team wants to control supply, they must contend with the following disadvantages:

  • Competing with snipers at token launch.

  • Lacking certainty that their buy transactions will go through.

  • Wasting valuable resources to tip block builders for transaction priority.


Thanks to BNDL, all the aforementioned disadvantages are eliminated. Using advanced blockchain techniques such as bundle submission to block builders through private mempools, BNDL enables teams to secure their token supply seamlessly and worry-free. With BNDL, teams no longer need to compete against snipers, ensuring their transactions are always included. This also eliminates the need for token developers to pay high tips to block builders for transaction priority, allowing them to allocate resources to more valuable investments for the token. Specifically, BNDL allows teams to completely avoid paying additional tips for their transactions. The advanced technology ensures that buy transactions are secured in a bundle, making them immune to external snipers.

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