πŸ“¦What is bundling?

Bundling is the practice of the team purchasing its own tokens as soon as it opens to trade. This is somewhat of an overly simplified answer, as complex technology takes a play.

When enabling trading on a token, snipers can join in the purchase, making it harder for teams to secure some supply of their tokens. For the teams to be sure that they manage to purchase some tokens, they are usually force to set high block builder tips in order to compete with snipers. This is not ideal, as their resources could be employed in significantly better ways.

To prevent this, we need to employ a blockchain concept known as β€˜bundles’. Bundles are one or more transactions that are grouped together and executed in the order they are provided. Bundles are sent to private mempools, meaning that external parties cannot see them until they are executed on chain. Furthermore, bundles are atomic, meaning that no external transaction will be placed in-between bundle transactions.

Thanks to this concept, we can create bundles that start with the start trading transaction and then include all subsequent buys from the team. This allows us to make sure that no external sniper can interfere, hence avoiding wasting resources for tips.

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