
Different types of wallets are needed by BNDL to operate successfully. These include the deployer wallet, the bundling wallets, and the master wallet.

Deployer Wallet

The deployer wallet is the wallet that has deployed or will deploy the token to be bundled. This wallet must be imported using its private key. BNDL requires access to this wallet to execute the startTrading() function, or any other function necessary to enable trading of the asset for the first time on its smart contract.

The bundling and master wallets are used in a slightly different manner according to the bundling method (MWP vs SCP), hence we will explain these wallets depending on which bundling approach is going to be used.

Multi-Wallet Purchase

Master Wallet

In MWP, the master wallet is used to distribute ETH to all bundling wallets using the disperser tool. Instead of having to manually transfer ETH to all distinct wallets, this tool allows teams to do it much faster. Nevertheless, if the team decides to either import bundling wallets that already have the required balance, or to top them up manually, the master wallet is not required.

Bundling Wallets

In MWP, bundling wallets are used to purchase the token when bundling. Each wallet will execute a buy transaction on Uniswap V2. Thanks to the fact that each sends an individual transaction, the team can specify distinct amounts of tokens to be purchased for each wallet. Once the bundle has been done, the teams can either use the collector tool to collect the tokens from the bundle wallets and send them to a single wallet, or either manage them individually using their private key.

Smart-Contract Purchase

Master Wallet

In SCP, the master wallet purchases the bundle token within a unique transaction. Then, the team can manage all bundled token from using the master wallet’s private key.

Bundle Wallets

Bundle wallets are not used when launching with the SCP approach.

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