πŸ”­Bundling methods

BNDL offers two distinct ways to bundle your token which vary in the way by which the token is purchased upon launch. We will delve deeper into the two distinct methods.

Multi-Wallet Purchase (MWP)

Using the MWP bundling method, BNDL will utilize bundling wallets to purchase the token. Each will send a buy order to Uniswap V2 and purchase the token independently. This means that different wallets will hold the token upon the bundling. Thanks to the fact that distinct wallets are used to purchase the token, teams can carefully configure how many tokens each wallet purchases. This grants a more granular control on the bundling process.

Bundling wallets can be either imported from their private keys to the bot, or generated using the generator tool. Then, using the disperser tool, developers can automatically transfer funds to them by distributing them from the master wallet. More information regarding this in the wallet page.


- Harder to identify the bundling activity on chain.

- More customizable.


- Tokens are held by distinct wallets, may be harder to manage depending on the team’s strategy.

- Slightly more expensive when it comes to gas.

- Harder to configure.

Smart-Contract Purchase (SCP)

Using the SCP bundling method, BNDL will utilize the master wallet to purchase the token. A special aggregate buy order will be sent to a custom smart contract that will execute a single transaction including all the different buy orders. This means that the master wallet will hold all of the bundled tokens. This comes at a slight disadvantage of not being able to customize the amount of tokens bought. Each buy order will be the same size. Furthermore, thanks to smart contract optimizations and thanks to the fact that all buy orders are executed within a single transaction, this approach is slightly more gas efficient.


- As all tokens are held by a single wallet, assets are easier to manage.

- It is slightly more gas efficient compared to the MWP method.

- Easier to configure.


- Easier to identify the bundling activity on chain.

- Less customizable.

Last updated